As the turmoils in HongKong and Spain. International Shipping of slingshot faces very complicated security check at airports and Custom of Western countries.
It leads to the slingshot delivery delayed.
The traditional steel frame slingshot is affacted. None of slingshot bands, tubes, accessories are affacted.
The Rosewood-steel OTT slingshot list at Not affacted as rosewood-steel OTT slingshot can be disassembled when shipping.
When users place an order with traditional steel frame slingshot and other items, we separate the slingshot from other items. So two mails will be shipped, one mail is slingshot, the other mail includes other items.
If you buy slingshot as a time-constrained gift, it's strongly recommended you buy the Rosewood-steel OTT slingshot at
Thank you!
November of 2019