1: This is the place for listing slingshots for sale and listing the public coupon.
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1: Surf DANKUNG website and find the page where there is the picture below
2: Must begin your finding from here
3: Post the page's url at cmt as the comment. Either Facebook login comment or Dankung user comment works.
Time frame: begin on Jan 21 2021, until the first user posts the correct url.
Prize: 10 pieces fixed location pouches plus free shipping. No purchase needed.
Find url that contains this picutre which may be a frame in a video.
Happy Weekend: From Nov 13 2020 to Nov 15, buyer get 3 pieces $4.63 fixed locating for order total > $19
From Sep 14 2020, buyer get a $2.9(retail price) crankbait for order total > $29.
high quality crankbait catalog
Time frame: Jan 1, 2020 -- March 28,2020
Gifts bundle: Get 3 gifts shown below for order total> $25
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It has been 3 years since the Liquidebullet band was developed by a Germany shooter. There were thousands of users of LiquideBullet band. DANKUNG is a truly believer that there is no perfect product, any product has the room of improvement. We then contacted 300 VIP users for optimization advice of Liquidebullet band. 208 replies were received and the main optimization advice are as below.
1: need to have at least a 55 mm or 60 mm pouch options. The existing 40mm to 50 mm pouch is great for small ammo, 55 to 60 mm for big ammo.
2: Liquid band in .55 or ,60 Thickness is a must. The .70 is too much for 7/8mm ammo ,the draw is to heavy for target shooters
3: My big concern is the method you use tying the bands to the pouch, sometimes after a few shots either the band starts slipping because it's not tied tight enough.....
In summary, the 1 and 2 are requirements and the third is quality check. DANKUNG will fix all those issues step by step.
Limited Quantity Free Gift, buyers get 5 most popular Laser Cut pouches valued at $7 when order total greater than $12
Tim just got a inspiration of shooting slingshot, he is so happy to offer a free new band maker rig to users.
Please use S code for a free band maker rig. The S code is '0827rigSum20'
How to use secret code Secret code (abbreviation: S code) is an unique feather at DANKNG store. Secret code is easier to use than coupon. Secret code represents an special gift rather than discount. Input the secret code into the Comment textbox on the product page. For example Mr.Smith gets a S code 'precise-0831' from DANKUNG team, which means you will get 2 meters precise band for free when used not later than August 31. Mr. Smith then input 'precise-0831' into comment textbox of a product he wants to buy,say, a toucan slingshot.
Then click 'Add to cart' and then checkout and finish payment. DANKUNG shipping staff see 'precise-0831' and check its time validity. The 2 meters precise band then is added to Mr. Smith's parcel and ship together.
Contests Deals Giveaways in May 2018
Happy Shooter and his 'Toucan' Two Brothers. $20 Off
Workers made 4 pieces after 'tiny ghost' out of stock for 1 year.
See what slingshot is made with CNC machine
Free New Formula Converter More Sales & Deals and Contests will come soon. Please Subscribe for instant notification.
Best Mechanics Magnetic Flashlight Giveaway
Awards are claimed in the format of online order with 99.6% discount. 1: After the competition & contest ends, DANKUNG staff will send winners a coupon of 99.6% discount of award products. 2: The winners place an order at the product page and use the coupon when checkout. (How to use coupon) 3: In the process of checkout, winner needs pay a little(often some cents) to complete the order. For example, if the award is a $50 dollars product, winner pay 20 cents to claim it. After that, the winner's order will be processed and shipped as an normal order in our shipping system with high efficiency. If there is extra gift for winner, it will be added by shipping staff during packaging when the specific coupon cold is found on the order.
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Win 10 pieces of fixed location pouches
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Fishing bulletproof glove
Butterfly Mini Sling
As an avid collector, I just could not resist ordering the Butterfly Mini Sling.
Like it's big brother (the Butterfly), the flaring "earlobe" is it's most distinguishing feature..
It is more pronounced on the Mini in order to provide additional thumb support given its reduced size, overall width of 95 mm. (83 length).
A comfortable and safe shoot despite it's diminutive siz,e, even in full butterfly mode.
Mine was beautifully wrapped (two toned, red and black)., and came banded with 1632 looped tubes that I could actually use with ease (another first).
Well done DK!