Where find coupon and comCode
Coupon and comCode are listed on product pages or contents pages at Dankung webstie. Visit below search pages for coupon or comCode. Some coupons or comCode may be out of date, but there are at least 3 poupon & comCode available for any point of time. So go to hunt it at
How to use Coupon
There are many coupons available at our site, some are general coupon with discount, some are free gift + discount coupon, some are for all users, some are for users from specific countries. Such as we had an anti-cold bands for Canada and Germany shooters when it's extreme in January 2016. Just explore the whole site and find them. There are two types of coupon. One is coupon of discount , the other is coupon of free gift. When free gift coupon is used, there will be a small discount too. And the free gift item will Not show up on the order. Our shipping staff recognizes the free gift coupon on the order and add the gift into the mail shipped to customers How to use coupon Coupon code can be added in the process of checkout. Please remove the coupon if you want to finish the payment in the future. As coupon code has the maximum number of Uses. By clicking 'Remove' , you can reduce the times the coupon's used. See how to do it shown in below images.
Example of comCode: 0826rigSum20 (This is just for explanation, 0826rigSum20 is Not a real comCode) Users get a new band maker rig for sum greater than $20 with order date not later than August 26 go shopping cart go slingshots list

In summary, there may be minimum amount limitation, time limitation or user limitation of comCode. Any limitation is literal.
Not all comCodes have limitation, such as comCode 'freeMaker' has no limitation.
A comCode can be used only once except otherwise stated.
For example, 'precise-0831' means get precise band before August 31, 2019 .
'1745sum40' means get 10 meter 1745 band for order sum greater than $40
'ToucanUK' manes free 'toucan' slingshot only for UK buyers.
'LionDavid' means free 'lion' slingshot only for David. etc...
Therefor no extra precise band will be added into parcel if Mr. Smith uses comCode 'precise-0831' on September 1. *'precise-0831' and other comCodes listed here are not real valid comCode. You should get real valid comCode at DANKUNG facebook http://www.facebook.com/dankungsports or the top area of this page or homepage or our email for subscriber.