Starting from top left: DK_Ergonomic Dancing, DK_Custom 10mm Ti Dancing, DK_PIXIU, DK_Custom 10mm Ti Palm Thunder, DK_Polished Pocket Thunder DK_Black Pocket Thunder and DK_Platinum..
Starting from top left: DK_Ergonomic Dancing, DK_Custom 10mm Ti Dancing, DK_PIXIU, DK_Custom 10mm Ti Palm Thunder, DK_Polished Pocket Thunder DK_Black Pocket Thunder and DK_Platinum..
awesome collection! which one is your favorite? do you use it for hunting?
My 1st favorite are the DK_Ergonomic Dancing & both Custom 10mm Ti, 2nd favorite are DK_PIXIU i do like the heavy weight of both Palm Thunder because of the weight @ 260g they are more stable at pull and release, but as they are bigger than other Dankung i do need to put in a bit more effort to hold it securely, DK_Platinum are for collecting i am intended to hunt rabbit with them but not at the moment as i am still working on my skill, i can get 7 out of 10 hits @ around 6m to a 4cm metal target there are still much rooms to improve till i can get 10 out of 10 at 10m to a 4cm metal target.
amazing! what shooting style do you take, Aiming or instictive shooting? Do you use Flip Style shooting?
I've try Aiming & Instictive Aiming works for me better and i use short draw @ 28", all of my DK Slingshot are Ergonomic so Flip are not really that necessary and i will try OTT Flat Band later..^_^
Wardster also posted a collection at
Your's Collection are just Nek Level..Dumb Founded..0_0
My collection:
I'm still waiting on my 1st Dankung delivery.
From left to right (and also in order of preference):
- Polished Stainless Steel X6 slingshot (ergonomic, with grooves).
- POM (Polyoxymethylene) Plastic X6 slingshot (ergonomic, with grooves).
- General Dankung Hunting slingshot (straight, no grooves).
The General slingshot is the first one I bought, about 5-6 years ago, while both X6 slingshots are much more recent (bought a few months ago). The Stainless Steel X6 slingshot is my favorite, but I like all 3 slingshots quite a bit. I also use all 3 with not wrapping at all. By the way, I tried to do a lengthy review of each slingshot.
The picture posted above is not of my collection, rather that collection belongs to Northerner. I used that picture to ask a question about a specific model. My apologies for any misunderstanding.
X6 POM (Brown)
Luck Rings
Tibetan Antelope
Seljan OTT Comp Slant
Simple Shot The Torque
Wasp Delta Wing
Wasp UniPhoxx
ordered panther slingshot, and waiting on snail mail.. Here's what I've collected and kept so far..
Thanks for this giveaway!
Here is a photo.
I have many slingshots but my favorite is a Palm Predator since I dedicated it to be my beater that is always with me, some other slingshots outperform Palm Predator but I afraid to scratch my precious :D
I see you got a DK's Orangutan how dose it feel and how dose it shot? I may even try asking DK to custom made me one with 9mm 440C stainless steel rod..
It depends on a way you hold it, if you use a "choker" grip it sits nice in a hand but for "pinch" grip / "finger-hook" / "thumb-braced" very long and wide ears get in a way and there is no comfortable space left for your fingers. With some additional padding it OK for hammer grip too. Over all its not my favorite but it is precise and gentle on tubes
I just put a looped tubes on Orangutan and give it a try again and it worse that how I remembered it. Wide fork and long ears make it awkward to hold in any grip style I try, as for Hammer grip it have long fork which acts as a lever and put a lot of stress on your wrist. If you trying to solve tube rolling problem and you going to order a custom made one make sure to ask Dankung to make a traditional round tips bended 20-30 degrees toward a shooter instead of long ovals so you have place for your fingers. Or just modify a Palm Predator as I did by cold bending tips 25 degrees in a vise
I assume this promotion is to find out which slingshots are in demand. Dankung please make some flatband Through The Fork (TTF) slingshots, this method of attaching the bands supposedly is most accurate for shooting, I cant wait when there will be non plastic or aluminum metal TTF slingshot on a market
Good for hunting and slingdart fishing :)
Thank you! we will consider your advice.
Hello Mate, in the slingshot collection photos you posted at the second roll from the left, 2nd and 3rd slingshot i understand they are for flat bands how do they shoot like? would the head fit 12mm to 23mm tapered flat bands and what do they actually call in english?
They are :
I gave them a try after seeing a youtube video of a guy who was reviewing one of them and was impressed how comfortable and precise it is and changed his dislike for flatbands. He mentioned that he had in general accuracy problem with flatbands and preferred tubes for consistency but he found that with thin fork tips flatbands behave similar to tubes and give him accuracy he wanted. He liked ergonomics of the most but I prefer metal over plastic and this two are similar in shape to plastic one. I like this two so much I rarely use them to keep them in premium condition. They should fit 23mm even if rod have smaller circumference than that, its not a problem since band just wrap around it and during tension roll into a semi tube shape. I dont know what they called, when fully wrapped they similar to pickle fork slingshot in size and handle but still have fork width to pass an ammo with no elevated danger to shooter
I like the looks of this flatband slingshot i will give it a try as well, i think it shoot ott the main reson i still don't have a flatband slingshot coz they just can't change to different flatnad setup on the fly like loop band slingshot dose. loop band slingshot are just convenience for changing different loop bands setup..
hello admin, could you make ergonomic TTF. no tie flat band.. just like your ERGONOMIC OTT.. Thanks
Hi, we have a 5 in 1 TTF at new hunting slingshot. Currently we don't have plan to make ergonomic TTF
I have the band maker tool, but I don't understand how to use it. I can get to step 7 but steps 8 and 9 aren't clear enough. Please help.
"Steps 8" is to help you get the tube through the hole of the pouch, you insert the band maker like how the photo did, than you insert tube between the space between the band maker, than pull out the band maker with the tube than you end up with the tube in the small hole of the pouch.
"Steps 9" is to secure the pouch between the tube, you insert the tool under tube stopper you just make at Step 7, than you insert the tube that came out of other side of the pouch, inset the tube between the tool than pull the tool back out with the tube under the stopper than hopefully what you see would be "Step 10"..Hope this can help..^_^
Here is my slingshots I have at home today.
This is my slingshot collection
You got a Very Nice Collection there mate and i can see a good number of them are OTT, may i ask that Red POM Slingshot between two blue slingshot to the left, how dose it shoot? Is it a nice and solid no tie can handle full power flat band?
You got a Very Nice Collection there mate and i can see a good number of them are OTT, may i ask that Red POM Slingshot between two blue slingshot to the left, how dose it shoot? Is it a nice and solid no tie can handle full power flat band?
You got a Very Nice Collection there mate and i can see a good number of them are OTT, may i ask that Red POM Slingshot between two blue slingshot to the left, how dose it shoot? Is it a nice and solid no tie can handle full power flat band?
It is very ergonomic slingshot. It shoot really good either light and heavy flatbands.
I shoot mostly TTF so if you are in any fb group or in any slingshot forum, maybe we can trade it.
I'm Genoa Slingshot.